Sunday, April 7, 2013

Door Décor: Guest Post

My mom sent me a photo of her door décor earlier this week, and I had to do a mini-post about it because I think it's so lovely! Plus, she put it together for less than $7 (and over half of that was for a can of spray paint!), which is pretty awesome, imo. Check it out! The component/price breakdown is below.

Frame - purchased from a thrift store, spray painted gray ($1 for frame, $4 for spray paint)
Wooden Letter H - purchased from thrift store [she ended up speckling it gray later] ($.50)
Flowers - purchased from Dollar Tree ($1)
Ribbons and buttons - on hand (free!)
Sticks - from the yard (free!)
Metal Washers* - on hand (free!)

Project total = $6.50

*The frame leans a bit due to the weight imbalance, so my dad attached washers to the back of the frame to even it out.